September 14th, 2022 Update:

They will be treating the lake tomorrow, Thursday (9/15/22), and the restrictions will be for one day of swimming and three days of no watering.  This will only be for the areas that they treat.  They will not be treating all the areas with grass or Lilly pads, just those areas that are in front of homes.  They will be posting signs in the sections of the lake where the restrictions will apply.  

Cheryl Porter

Chief Operating Officer

Water and Field Services

735 Randolph Street, Suite 1900

Detroit, Michigan 48226

Phone: 313-964-9390

August 17, 2022

Good afternoon,

As GLWA continues to work on the repairs to the 120-inch water main break in the

northeast portion of the regional water transmission system, we are asking those

communities who were included in the original Boil Water Advisory from Saturday, August

13, (see list below) to assist by limiting outdoor water use. This will assist in reducing the

load on the regional water system, and may help as we review options with EGLE and the

seven impacted communities to possibly lift the Boil Water Advisory. This is a courtesy

request in the spirit of One Water.

The 23 original communities include: the Village of Almont, Auburn Hills, Bruce Township,

Burtchville Township, Chesterfield Township, Clinton Township, the City of Flint, Flint

Township, City of Imlay City, the City of Lapeer, Lenox Township, Macomb Township,

Mayfield Township, Village of New Haven, Orion Township, the City of Pontiac, City of

Rochester, the City of Rochester Hills, Shelby Township, the City of Sterling Heights, the

City of Troy, the City of Utica, and Washington Township


Cheryl Porter

Chief Operating Officer – Water and Field Services





The meeting was called to order by President Phil Bone at 6:35 pm.

The volunteer DLA Board of Directors was introduced.  Note:  List of all Board members posted on new website)

Public appreciation was given to Frank Kunz and Pat Marriott who were instrumental in working for the past 40 yrs. toward getting our lake back after we first lost 3 ft of water when the canals were dug along Heights Rd and three islands exposed in Big Square.

Katie Hagan was also thanked for initiating the Square Lake Residents facebook page.


Treasurer’s report:  Diane Berlin, Treasurer reported the following:

                Monies held by Orion Twp:  SAD #1 -  Well/pump maintenance   $53,704.19

                                                                 SAD #2 – Electricity to run pump  -    $52,350.17 (commercial rates)

                                                                SAD #3 – Weed & Algae control   -    $41.993.91

               Monies held in Oxford Bank/ DLA checking account  $49,652.01


DLA SAD’s  -  Phil Bone gave a short description of our SAD’s  (Special Assessment District).  Our district is composed of 5 individual subdivisions around the lake:  Sunset Hills & Sunset Hills #1,  Pleasant View, Little Square, Avalon Beach and North End (unincorporated).  SADs can be set up from a  2 – 10 yr span.  All monies collected via tax statements issued each December are held by the township.

80% of all monies collected are being paid by lakefront owners based on their lake frontage:  0-50 ft, 51-100 ft or over 100’.  When the SAD’s are first initiated estimated costs to handle each SAD are determined by the DLA Board of Directors.   If the monies set aside in each SAD are not utilized during a specific year, the Township lowers your tax assessment accordingly.   All invoices/ payments are presented to the township for payment or reimbursement to the Board.  (See new website for full report)


Weed/ Algae Control:

Phil Bone reported that Lake Pro has surveyed the lake and has already performed one treatment this year…..a second treatment of the lake is scheduled for June 27 – with no swimming or watering restrictions.  Be reminder that Lake Pro posts a notification at the front of each property when such treatments are performed.

History of Square LakeJoe Fraga (Sunset Hills) presented a short synopsis of our lake’s history

The east shore (now called North End) was comprised of Kelly’s Park for many years.  A developer bought the property….relocating Heights Rd to subdivide into lakefront lots.  Later this developer also dug several canals running adjacent to Heights Rd which disturbed the natural recharge waters that had been feeding Square Lake.  We then began to notice the severe drop in the water level of our lake.  Many residents worked to establish the Disappearing Lakes Association and evidentially set up

Attempts to sue the DNR in the Michigan Supreme court was favorable except for the fact that they were immune.   The next recourse was to pursue the developer.  We did receive a favorable/financial judgment.

The developer was legally to have had a one million dollar bond but unfortunately they only had approx. $217,000.00 which was awarded to satisfy our judgment.   These monies were utilized to satisfy our attorney fees, do an environmental study, construct test wells and eventually to install the first pump whose output was approx.. 500 gallons per minute.   As water production fell off, we invested in the second well.  ( see website for additional information and Pics)


Well Committee Report:

Darryl Fosmoen (Avalon Beach) reported that pump #2 stopped working approx.. 2 weeks ago after one of the power outages experienced in our area.  With some lower temps and several days of rain, the drop in the lake level  was not immediately noticed

 Birkmeier Well Drilling was contacted immediately and they have pulled the pump at a cost of $7200  (see photos on website) They are currently diagnosing both the viability of the pump and the motor.  Dave Berlin – retired commercial electrician- has verified that the wiring in the pump is fried.  We are very certain that the motor will need to be replaced as well as replacement of the 25 yr old wiring. The approximate cost of a new 30 HP is $7468/  new wiring $792 Birkmeier has recommended against redeveloping the well which would be $3500.

The well committee is in daily communication with Birkmeier and they are sympathetic with our situation.  Once pump #2 is reassembled the hope is that the output along with pump #1 (now at 80 gal. per min.) will again be at the optimum of 500 gal. per minute to keep the lake filled. 

An emergency DLA board mtg was held June 17, 2022 to review the situation.  The Board authorized approx.. $16,000 to get pump #2 back to operating condition.

The DLA Board is also investigating the possible installation of a third pump.  At this time the state of Michigan permit is being withheld……they will only authorize a combined maximum of 309 gal. per minute to be pumped….which would not be sufficient to keep the lake full.   If and when a permit is granted, the third well will be installed and capped for future needs.  We are investigating our historical information to try to document the 500 g.p.m requirement.

Indirectly lakes downstream (ie Elkhorn, Tommy’s, Lake Sixteen etc.) also benefit from the pumping of our lake via ground water.


Note:  Both pumps draw water from over 200 ft below ground level.  During very hot weather we lose approx. 1 MILLION gallons per day.


Sunset Hills Lawsuit:

Nate Butki, President of Sunset Hills, shared an update on a lawsuit filed against Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association and others:

·  The lawsuit was dismissed by the court and the appeal deadline passed. A request for a late file of appeal has been submitted to the courts this week.

·  The volunteer elected officials of the Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association are consistent in their opposition to the lawsuit and continue to defend the private property rights of property owners in Sunset Hills and Sunset Hills #1.  

·  A central theme of the lawsuit is a claim that non-property owners – the general public – have the right to freely use private property owned in common by residents of Sunset Hills, specifically the Cove Lane access to Square Lake. If the lawsuit were successful, Square Lake would have a lake access point available to the general public. 

·  An ongoing defense of the lawsuit is warranted as our significant private property right, and preventing making the lake public, is at stake.

·  Sunset Hills residents have shared ownership of properties including the private roads, the boat launch at Cove Lane and the beach. This private property ownership is the same as ownership of any of our homes and yards – it is private property. The shared properties in Sunset Hills are privately owned in common by the approximately 30 property owners in the subdivision

·  Those who wish to keep Square Lake private and wish to help support the ongoing legal defense are encouraged to make a check payable to: Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association @ 1270 Kempster, Lake Orion, MI 48362

Nate shared that Sunset Hills is committed to complete transparency and open communication. If anyone would like electronic copies of the legal documents which have been filed or would like to discuss further to please let him know. It is always preferable to work openly and together rather than through the courts.

Butki also shared that despite the lawsuit, Sunset Hills remains committed to building a strong lake community. While Cove Lane is private property – the same as any of our backyards – Sunset Hills is open to supporting anyone on the Square Lake who would like to use Cove Lane for ingress or egress. SSH simply asks that you have a SSH property owner join you and sign a simple form indicating guest use of the property on that day.


New Square Lake Website:

Paula Kotrba (Lt. Square) has designed and installed a website for Square Lake residents:

This website will be used to improve communications for any/all future information re. Square Lake.

Included on the website will be:  Posting of General Membership Mtg Minutes

                                                            History of Square Lake

                                                            S.A.D. information

                                                            Water Quality (weed/ algae control / notification of treatments

                                                             Events – (Flare nite July 4 ;    lighted boat parade August 26)


                                                              DLA Contacts


Meeting adjourned 7:50 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Gail Kunz, Sec / DLA